The culturally vibrant, tropical, and mesmerizing island of Bali has seduced many for the purpose of matrimony. Whether you’ve visited numerous times or never at all, choosing your flowers for your Bali wedding can be puzzling if you don’t know where to look and what types of flowers you can expect to find in Bali. You can breathe easy though as the choices are abundant and there are some amazing flowers and florists to be found. Roses, sunflowers, and lilies, as well as the more tropical plumeria (more commonly know as the frangipani), and heliconia’s make for stunning bouquets and vases. These flowers are all grown by Bali Rose who is one of Bali’s flower producers dedicated to providing a variety of high quality cut flowers. As well as local growers producing flowers on the island, there is a range of beautiful imported ones also.

Images by Terralogical and Light & Love Photography
If your vision is for a colourful, tropical vibe or for a more classic theme with a soft colour palette, Bali has a selection of flowers that will satisfy your wishes. A good place to start is by choosing a florist that can meet your needs – matching your desires with your budget. A few recommended places are Yes Florist, Bali Tropical Florist and Lily’s Florist.
As Bali is renowned for it’s lush flora, if your chosen Bali wedding venue is already colourful or green enough, then you can choose something simple to complement or highlight this aspect. So, whether your flowers are extravagant or understated, striking or subdued, Bali will have what you’re looking for.
For more tips and advice for your destination wedding click here.